If you know me at all, you know I like saving money. I hate owing money and I hate spending more than I have to. BUT there are some things that are worth it, like quality, healthy foods. I would much rather pay a little more each week now on high quality food than major doctor bills later.
One way I've found to help save money while still eating clean (other than shopping around at local grocery stores, markets and health food stores) is to find deals online as much as possible. Here's a few of the places I frequent:
* Amazon- They have a great feature called "Subscribe and Save". (Note- Not all products are available with this feature.) Basically you sign up to have this product automatically shipped every 6 months and in return you get 15% off your first purchase. But guess what? Once you receive your first order, you can cancel out, which is what I do because I often won't need the product again at the time intervals available. You can score an even bigger savings if the product is on sale at the same time.
I have bought coconut flour and coconut oil this way and it was wonderful! The flour keeps great in the freezer and lasts a long time because most of the recipes that include it only use a small amount. The oil is also very stable and I've never had any go rancid on me before using it.
* Vitacost- This is another great site that has numerous health foods. I have purchased various Bob's Red Mill products, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and (ahem) chlorine-free feminine products from them. The coolest thing, is with this referral code, you can get $10 off your first order! Then as you refer others, both you and your friend will get $10 off codes. Awesome!
Always free shipping on $49 or more, and they frequently run specials for free shipping over $25. Or, you and a friend could join forces in order to meet the minimum and have free shipping.
* Heavenly Homemakers- This is one of my favorite blogs and one of the reasons I started my own! She will often post Healthy Online Deals, so follow her on Facebook or subscribe to her blog so you are sure to know when the newest deals come available.
* Azure Standard- Unfortunately I am not on this route, but if I was I would definitely try to purchase foods through this co-op. Visit them and see if your location is on the route, mostly in the center and western parts of the country.
Anyone have any other good resources for online purchases? How do you save money on your healthy living purchases?
Over the last few years I have come to realize more and more that the foods we are eating are not meeting our bodily needs. My goal is to find foods that are free of pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and other chemicals and make as many meals from scratch in order to provide the most nutritious foods for my family.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Come and Visit!
I am thrilled to be a guest blogger for Lauren, of Say What You Need to Say today! Come and visit me here to find out how I ate clean on vacation and let me know what you think! Lauren has a lot of great recipes and workout tips. One of the best things I like is that she is fairly local and we both love The Green Room :) Come and explore!