
Thursday, November 29, 2012


Somehow I feel like little kid that can't wait til Christmas, only I can't wait until Saturday! I have a few main bloggers whom I greatly admire and follow, and this weekend I get to meet one of them! Lauren is from Say What You Need to Say and you might have seen her lately on some local news channels giving Thanksgiving dinner tips! I had the pleasure of guest blogging for her this summer. She has been organizing blogger meet ups, where local bloggers get together, enjoy some good food at a local restaurant and share tips, stories and friendship. I was unable to attend the last one but am excited to go to Tomato Pie this Saturday to meet her along with other local bloggers (and also sample some new cuisine).

She asked us to bring business/contact cards to pass out and if we wanted, a small sample of a specialty from our blog. So of course I am now freaking out. I do not (nor have I even thought about making) business/contact cards. I really would love to have a logo for the blog and thankfully I have a daughter is a talented graphic designer (see here for her winning t-shirt design). I'm hoping she'll have some time to help me come up with something before Saturday!

The other item I can take care of, a sample of something from my blog. I wanted something that might include a unique ingredient and yet something that most people would enjoy. I settled on some cinnamon "roasted" almonds and decided to make some walnuts for the first time as well. My house smells delicious right now! Looking forward to bagging these up in some cute penguin bags for the ladies.

I'm hoping I don't forget to take pictures so I can post a follow-up. I'm also a little nervous, as much as I always long to make new friends, it is definitely a step out of my comfort zone (I am a strong introvert).

Any suggestions on a logo for my blog?


  1. Laura, it was so nice to meet you today! The nuts are delicious, by the way. My 6-year-old thinks so too.

  2. It was so great to meet you today Laura! I'm so happy you came out and we had the chance to chat over coffee and bathroom visits. :) Can't wait to get together again! Take care and have a great weekend..

  3. Ellie, it was so nice to chat with you today as well! So glad you and your 6 year old are enjoying the nuts (they are organic as well, forget to mention that yesterday). My daughter was excited that I had some leftover bags so she could eat some, too :)

    Lauren, great to finally meet you in person as well, can't wait til the next one!

  4. Laura - it was so great to meet you on Saturday! I agree with Ellie, those nuts are delicious and are getting me though my 3am snack struggle at work!

  5. Steph- So good to meet you as well, and so glad the nuts are getting you through the night! The recipe is super easy, you just need a little patience and an arm that can stir for a while :) I would think they would keep for a while in an airtight container (but they never last more than a few days here for me to find out!).

  6. So great meeting you at the meet up! I scarfed the nuts down in like 4 seconds. Love it! :)

  7. Haha, I totally understand, they go fast :) It was nice to meet you as well!

  8. Just realized I didn't link this post to the recipe for the nuts, so fixed that tonight (and made another batch since I gave all of the last ones away :)

  9. I nominated you for the Liebster Award!
