

So, this tab is as much for me as it is for you :) I wanted a one-stop-shop for maintaining my resources, and we'll see how it goes! Feel free to let me know if you have resources you believe to be beneficial and fit with the climate of this blog! I am going to categorize them into resources I've personally read/watched and resources I have yet to read/watch but have heard good things about. Hopefully this will be helpful to you! (Please keep in mind it is a work in progress, and if all links are not yet live it is OK- I'll get to them.) Also, please check out the blogs in the sidebar. Not all are devoted to eating, but they are ones that I read frequently!

Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels- A must read for understanding the effects of food and your environment on your body!
Fast Food Nation- Currently reading this book, it is an eye-opener for how much the fast food companies are manipulating us, our diet, the farmers, the food system and the government (you will be appalled at how much government subsidized money they have received- especially if you like to keep as much of your own money as possible!)
Making the Cut by Jillian Michaels- I started this one but have not had a chance to get back to it, it is the precursor to Master Your Metabolism. I think it is more of a weight loss book that a clean/whole food eating book, but since I want to lose weight it is on my resource page!

Web Sites
Pinterest- Check out my boards for a variety of resources
Official Food Inc Site
Clean Eating Club
Eat Clean Diet
The Gracious Pantry Recipe Blog
Clean Eating Magazine Free recipes/info
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution- Wonderful t.v. show documenting the power that comes when a school/community changes the way they eat. Also, go here to sign petitions to make changes in schools around the nation!
Sweet Creek Herbs- I love this alternative to traditional cosmetics/soaps
Food Additive Glossary
Natural Sweetening Options (pdf) 
Green (Homemade) Cleaners

Food Inc
Fresh The Movie
Super Size Me
Processed People
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
Back to Eden
Food Matters