
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Gluten Free Pizza

I have a bunch of GF pizza crust recipes I'd like to try. Problem is, many of them have a LONG list of ingredients, and I'm just not into that so much. Unfortunately I think that is the downside of GF baking b/c a greater variety of flours are needed to make a quality product. Other than the coconut muffins, I really haven't baked that much recently. And after baking some more things this week, I feel like I need to get back to the salad/cooked veggie routine and avoid baking, even GF. It's just not what my body needs/wants the most!

Either way, I need to have a way to eat pizza at least every once in a while and this turned out MUCH better than I thought it would after looking at the ingredient list. I used this recipe from the Free Coconut Recipes site by Tropical Traditions. There is a plethora of recipes, many of which are GF. I love ordering from Tropical Traditions, especially when they are having a free shipping sale or a sale on their coconut oil.

Gluten Free Pizza- I found the recipe made 4 slices, but not enough for 4 servings if it was the only food being served. With a salad, though, one slice filled you up! (Although I still ate 2 slices...) Use your favorite sauce (I used Nature's Promise Organic Garden Veggie) and toppings (organic moz and Parmesan, garlic, onion, parsley, oregano).

2 cups whole milk organic mozzarella cheese, shredded (I used an Organic Valley Italian blend)
2 large organic eggs
2 tablespoons flax meal (ground)
2 tablespoons coconut flour
½ teaspoon baking powder

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cut 2 pieces of parchment paper out for baking sheet. (Try to get one that is unbleached.)

Mix cheese, eggs, flax, coconut flour, and baking powder together until a sticky wet dough is formed. Spread with a spatula to ¼ inch thickness on a baking sheet lined with one piece of parchment paper. (I'm sure mine was thicker than this.)

Bake for 30 minutes in preheated oven. Halfway through the baking process, flip crust over by sliding it off the baking sheet with the parchment paper, placing the second piece on the sheet, and turning the crust over unto the new sheet and peeling the old paper off. (I was skeptical that this would work, but it did using a spatula to help turn so I didn't burn my hand- the crust was very hot!) Return to oven until done baking.

Remove from oven, slide off of parchment paper, and flip over again for cooling. Once crust is cooled (I did not wait for it to cool), top with sauce, pre-cooked veggies or meats, and cheese. Set crust with toppings under the broiler on high for a minute or two until cheese is melted and bubbly (Watch carefully! I left in a bit too long and the very edge of the crust was a little burnt). Slice and serve.

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