
Thursday, March 8, 2012

My New Favorite Breakfasts

I totally give credit for this recipe to my good friend Susan. She has been key in helping me into the low-carb realm (in fact, without this recipe I don't know that I would have been able to do it!). I LOVE this breakfast, which is ironic because before I could NEVER eat yogurt first thing in the morning (nor did I like berries in my yogurt). Now I eat this 6 days a week, love it, and feel full for hours! 

Berry Yogurt

6 oz yogurt (I use my homemade vanilla)
2-3 T ground flax (It is usually cheaper to buy your own to grind, I use a Magic Bullet)
handful of nuts (I eat walnuts and almonds- both raw)
1/2 c blueberries (I haven't tried any other berries yet, but would love to try black/raspberries and strawberries)
1-2 T melted coconut oil (I usually put it in a small Pyrex bowl and melt right on the small stove top burner. It takes very little time.)

Mix everything together except oil. Then add oil, it will be a little weird until the oil cools, then it will be incorporated alright. The picture doesn't do it justice!

 This next breakfast is my favorite Saturday morning post-run/workout breakfast. Gives me a break from the yogurt (but I'm always glad to get back to it on Sunday!). It is simple a cheese omelet (I get my eggs from a local farm) in a brown rice flour tortilla (Food For Life brand) with bacon Applegate Farms). Yum!  I will enjoy a smoothie (3 cubes frozen spinach, frozen berries, ground flax and water) to round out the meal. I used to make my smoothies with yogurt or milk but found out that having dairy with spinach can inhibit the absorptions of the good stuff in the spinach. Switching to water tastes great and has a nice texture but I will admit it isn't as pretty of a color.

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