
Friday, July 4, 2014

Berries x2

I eat a lot of blueberries year-round (most in smoothies and muffins but also pies and cobblers on occasion) and the price of buying organic ones at the store is outrageous! What a blessing to live in an area of the country where fresh foods are available from local farms! I was thrilled to finally be able to visit two no-spray blueberry patches this week.

If you are in the Hanover/Adams county area, Kehr Family Farm is a great place to visit for blueberry and black raspberry picking. They are open 7:30 AM-11:30 AM Monday-Thursday and Saturdays.

Unfortunately we picked one of the hottest and most humid days and of course didn't get there until 10 AM so it was HOT! There are a few different varieties of blueberries and we were encouraged to taste them all to help us determine which one(s) we wanted to pick. We liked the way they all tasted so went for the bushes with the most berries on for easier picking :)

We ended up with 11 pints of blueberries and 3 pints of raspberries. I would have liked to pick more, but we were too spent from the heat! The berries are paid for by the pint at $2 each and I believe the raspberries were $3.25/pint. You can also order pre-picked berries for $3/pint. Very reasonable!

Here's the haul. We ate one pint of raspberries and the others went into a pie (recipe coming soon)!

Then since my husband was off today and we wanted to get more berries to freeze so we decided to check out Raven's Blueberry Farm. This is a good option if you are in the Dover/York area. They are open 7 AM-7PM 7 days a week. Their price is per pound at $3.40. Of course after we came home I had to see how many pints we got and how much it was per pint and it amounted to about $2.50/pint. They appeared to only have one type of berry bush but they were loaded with enormous berries!
This was the sign at the end of the lane. You could drive or walk up to the patch, we decided to walk as the one worker informed us, "It's a nice stroll" :)

Both of these farms provided us with a wonderful experience. We hope to visit each one once more and then should have close to enough to last the year. It will be so good to not spend so much on berries from the store and to know they were grown locally and picked at the peak of freshness!

Stay tuned for blueberry and raspberry pie recipes coming soon, both gluten-free but you would never know it!

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