
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sauerkraut {Gluten Free}

I love when I am able to share and receive recipes with friends. My friend and co-worker, Bethanie, shared this one that she got from an Amish lady at the market in Raystown. I am also thankful for friends who share their produce with us, so I have to give a shout-out to my friend (and former neighbor ), Claire for providing the head of cabbage from her CSA (community-supported agriculture, a great way to get local vegetables every week).


cabbage, sliced (I got 6 pints from one head)
kosher or Real salt
boiling water
pint jars, lids and rings sterilized (put in boiling water for at least a minute to sterilize)
Add 1 tsp salt and 1 T vinegar into each jar.
Pack jar with cabbage up to the neck of the jar. 
Fill the jar with boiling water leaving headspace and cap lightly.

Ferment for 6 weeks in a cool dark place. Wait patiently (or not).

Eat sauerkraut or water bath can to preserve for later.

Sauerkraut has a ton of beneficial probiotics. I have heard of people eating a tablespoon before each meal to aid digestion. The caveat is if you cook the sauerkraut then that kills the probiotics even though it will still taste good!

I will give an update in about 6 weeks on the taste! Have you ever made sauerkraut before? If so, what method/recipe did you use?

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