I have been very busy starting and growing my Celadon Road business. If you are interested in learning more, visit my web site http://www.myceladonroad.com/laurab/ or like my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CeladonRoadLauraB

We also hatched some chicks at school in March which was a nice way to cheer up an otherwise dreary month.
I always have the problem of not having a way to trap the moisture in with the eggshells for that greenhouse effect. Then I remembered that I picked up some large, clear containers that a neighbor had out for the trash. The egg cartons fit perfectly and when loosely covered with plastic wrap created the greenhouse effect and the plants did the best ever in the eggshells for me!
I was then able to transfer them to this awesome greenhouse I bought from a friend at the end of last summer.
Once springtime weather came we really only had one short cold snap so I didn't have to keep my garden covered for many days and everything is doing well! I decided that I had too many older seeds and this is my year to use them up. More seeds than I expected are coming! I was also excited to start some more unique plants!
Since there has been such a hiatus, here's a peek at what's to come!
Healthy Fried Apples
Homemade Mexican Bowls and Lime Chips
And the most exciting of all- the recap of a training on the Back to Eden method of gardening!