
Saturday, April 14, 2012

And so it begins...

Finally time to start getting the seeds going for the garden this year! Due to having to waterproof our basement we had to move a significant number of plants to other beds. Needless to say it has been very busy with just this project! Fortunately almost everything that was moved has taken nicely (even bulbs) and most are blooming! Looks like we may lose one knockout rose and a heather, but hoping they come back.

Today was finally nice enough to get some seeds going. Because of the aforementioned work, our raised bed had to be moved and re-filled, and it broke in the process. Waiting for that to get repaired before I can direct sow any cold weather seeds. Saw this site over the winter and thought I would try starting some seeds in eggshells to not have to disturb the roots as much when it is time to transplant. So, we've been eating a lot of eggs :)

Here's a list of what's to come...

Tomatoes- Roma, cherry, Rutger and beefsteak
Yellow and spaghetti squash, pumpkin and zucchini
Cucumbers- market and pickling (hoping for a great crop like last year so I can make lots of refrigerator pickles!)

For some reason I'm not feeling as excited or optimistic about the veggie garden this year. I think it may have something to do with all of the work we have to do in the flower gardens, and the fact that I was a bit disappointed with our harvest from last year. Hoping that moving the bed to a sunnier spot will help.

This post is part of the link-up featured here:

1 comment:

  1. Love the egg shells. Last year our cucumber crop was a bust, usually we're swimming in cukes. Recently I've been introduced to cucumber water which is very refreshing, so I hope to have ample makings for it. Jo @ Let's Face the Music
