
Monday, April 23, 2012

GF Hamburger Bun

I was so excited when I found this recipe. The Tropical Traditions site contains a plethora of recipes, many of which are gluten free. I definitely wanted/needed a recipe that would make one roll at a time, since I am the only GF foodie in the family and don't eat rolls often. I have made it twice so far, once with pork bbq and another with hamburgers. I even used a leftover one in place of stuffing with a baked chicken meal. I just popped it in the toaster (for I like crispy stuffing), topped with chicken and gravy and I was good to go :)  I also plan on trying this shaped like a hot dog bun. Also this recipe does double/triple well if you want/need to make more.

GF Hamburger Bun

1 egg
1 T coconut flour
1 T almond flour
1 T coconut oil, melted (if you do not want the coconut flavor, use expeller pressed oil or palm oil)
dash of salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
sprinkle of chia seeds on the tops

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients and blend in food processor (I used a Magic Bullet, it only took a few seconds). Divide into 2 amounts and spread onto parchment paper. It will be pretty gloppy so you have to just smush it around on the parchment paper until you have about the right size and shape. It will rise some so don't make it too thick or it will take long to bake.

Sprinkle a few chia seeds on the top. Bake about 10 minutes but keep a close eye because the time will vary based on the thickness (but let me tell you, if you don't bake long enough...yuck!).

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