
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gluten Free Strawberry Shortcake

We have a neighbor who occasionally shares the bounty of his home garden. In the past it might have been some asparagus or some tomatoes. But tonight he knocks on the door during supper with this in his hands:

Which turned into this:

And I just thought this one looked like a flower when I cut it:

Of course this meant shortcake was in order (there goes working on report cards tonight!).
I have a good shortcake recipe, but of course it is not gluten-free so I had to go digging around for one that is suitable. I came across this one, but for some reason chocolate shortcake did not seem appealing so here's my version:

1 1/2 c almond flour
1/4 c coconut flour
pinch salt
1/2 T baking soda
3 eggs
1/2 c maple syrup
vanilla to taste

Preheat oven to 350. Cream together vanilla, eggs and syrup in small bowl. Mix other ingredients in large bowl and add wet ingredients. Pour batter into muffin tin (I love using the If You Care muffin cups- nothing ever sticks to them and you don't have to grease them! They also make a great parchment paper.) You can also bake in a pie pan if you like. Bake 12-15 minutes, remove from oven and cool. Top with whipped cream and strawberries.

Now I typically add milk to my shortcake but since I had some whipping cream in the fridge, I figured I had to try it with whipped cream instead. Here's my whipped cream recipe so you don't have to go searching:

1 pint organic whipping cream
1 T organic sugar
1 T vanilla

Put all ingredients in large metal bowl. Whip with hand blender until stiff (I actually whip longer than it might need so it keeps longer in the fridge without separating).

And here's the finished product:
This was SO good, I could definitely have eaten 2. You would never guess it was gluten-free!

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