
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cinnamon Almonds

I love Pinterest. It took me a while to catch on (mostly due to lack of time to get it all figured out!) but it is a great way to save all the recipes that I find and want to try. If you want to search my recipes by picture, you can do that here. Feel free to check out my other boards as well!

Here's one that just had to try, and it makes your house smell so good! (Although I'm now steaming some shrimp, so it smells like Old Bay, lol.)

Cinnamon "Roasted" Almonds (Adapted from the recipe here.)
*This recipe doubles well.

3 c raw organic almonds, walnuts or combination of the two
1 c sucanat
1/4 c water
1 T cinnamon

Combine sucanat, water and cinnamon in large skillet on medium heat. Once combined, add almonds, stirring constantly to coat almonds in mixture. You may need to turn heat down as the sauce cooks off. Keep stirring until sugar crystallizes on almonds. I was worried I wouldn't know when this happened, but trust me, you'll know! It will become harder and harder to stir. Cool on parchment paper. Enjoy!

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