
Thursday, February 7, 2013

WIAW {Friends Edition}

I hope you have enjoyed my beekeeping series! (If not, start with part 1!) Hopefully I'll have more information to add as I learn from others.

I am very blessed to have good friends who are more than willing to support my love of baking and cooking. Here's some of my recent "cooking with friends" escapades linked up at Peas and Crayons. I encourage you to go visit and find some new recipe ideas! This month is "Love your veggies" month, which you'll see in this post a little (Ok, not really too much except for some steamed broccoli. Oh well, if you have been around here long you know I LOVE my veggies already!).

My friend, Heidi, has been going through a lot lately so when she asked if I could help teach her how to bake a few recipes from my blog, I was more than happy to oblige! We made sour cream corn muffins and baked oatmeal muffins using slight variations on the recipes linked here. They turned out great, and I hear her family really enjoyed them! I also had fun getting to see her new home and her cats. I definitely miss having cats for pets. Here she is with some of the fruits of our labor:

My next fun friend food moment was when my friend and former colleague, Danette, came over for dinner. She is a big fan of salmon so I told her she had to try my new recipe! We also had wild rice with broccoli (I could eat rice and broccoli almost all the time, I love it!) and seared scallops. I had never made scallops before but they turned out really tasty! All I did was mince some garlic and put in a pan with olive oil and then sear both sides until they were done (it did take a little longer than I thought it would but the end result was definitely worth it! My apologies for the poor quality picture, my camera decided not to work for a few weeks and I had to take the picture with my phone, and then take a picture of it with my camera. Ugh, a smart phone would definitely come in handy!

Then for dessert we tried some chia pudding. She wasn't too sure about it (and quite frankly, I wasn't either as it was new to me also) but in the end it was yummy! I put chia seeds, milk, vanilla, dash of cinnamon and maple syrup in a jar and shook until blended then put in small glass dishes and put in fridge. It did not gel up quite like we wanted to I gave them a good stir and put in the freezer and then they were alright. The texture is a little unique but if you get over that, the taste is delicious! (Again, please pardon the picture quality!)

Please note that for some reason I cannot link this to the Peas and Crayons blog, the collection is closed (although it IS still Wednesday...bummer). But here is the post anyway :)

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