
Monday, April 23, 2012

GF Hamburger Bun

I was so excited when I found this recipe. The Tropical Traditions site contains a plethora of recipes, many of which are gluten free. I definitely wanted/needed a recipe that would make one roll at a time, since I am the only GF foodie in the family and don't eat rolls often. I have made it twice so far, once with pork bbq and another with hamburgers. I even used a leftover one in place of stuffing with a baked chicken meal. I just popped it in the toaster (for I like crispy stuffing), topped with chicken and gravy and I was good to go :)  I also plan on trying this shaped like a hot dog bun. Also this recipe does double/triple well if you want/need to make more.

GF Hamburger Bun

1 egg
1 T coconut flour
1 T almond flour
1 T coconut oil, melted (if you do not want the coconut flavor, use expeller pressed oil or palm oil)
dash of salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
sprinkle of chia seeds on the tops

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients and blend in food processor (I used a Magic Bullet, it only took a few seconds). Divide into 2 amounts and spread onto parchment paper. It will be pretty gloppy so you have to just smush it around on the parchment paper until you have about the right size and shape. It will rise some so don't make it too thick or it will take long to bake.

Sprinkle a few chia seeds on the top. Bake about 10 minutes but keep a close eye because the time will vary based on the thickness (but let me tell you, if you don't bake long enough...yuck!).

Saturday, April 14, 2012

And so it begins...

Finally time to start getting the seeds going for the garden this year! Due to having to waterproof our basement we had to move a significant number of plants to other beds. Needless to say it has been very busy with just this project! Fortunately almost everything that was moved has taken nicely (even bulbs) and most are blooming! Looks like we may lose one knockout rose and a heather, but hoping they come back.

Today was finally nice enough to get some seeds going. Because of the aforementioned work, our raised bed had to be moved and re-filled, and it broke in the process. Waiting for that to get repaired before I can direct sow any cold weather seeds. Saw this site over the winter and thought I would try starting some seeds in eggshells to not have to disturb the roots as much when it is time to transplant. So, we've been eating a lot of eggs :)

Here's a list of what's to come...

Tomatoes- Roma, cherry, Rutger and beefsteak
Yellow and spaghetti squash, pumpkin and zucchini
Cucumbers- market and pickling (hoping for a great crop like last year so I can make lots of refrigerator pickles!)

For some reason I'm not feeling as excited or optimistic about the veggie garden this year. I think it may have something to do with all of the work we have to do in the flower gardens, and the fact that I was a bit disappointed with our harvest from last year. Hoping that moving the bed to a sunnier spot will help.

This post is part of the link-up featured here:

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Frozen Mocha

So, I definitely have a few downfalls, one of which being frozen mochas/frappuccinos/frappes/whatever-the-current-coffee-shop-I-am-at-calls-them. After seeing this image I realized that event though this is not a frequent indulgence, I needed to find a way to make it at home. Boy was I tickled when I made this! YUM!

Frozen Mocha

6 ice cubes
1/2 c milk (I also made with water if you are trying to not have TOO much dairy)

Blend ice and milk together first. This will help break up the ice without leaving big chunks.

Then add:
1/2 c coffee ice cream (my choice is Perrydell)
squirt of chocolate syrup (make sure it is homemade or organic due to a certain, very popular brand, not actually having ANY chocolate in but having lots of HFCS and chemicals)

Blend again until combined. Add a dollop of homemade whipped cream (recipe below) and a straw and you are good to go!

Whipped Cream

1 pint organic whipping cream (I use Organic Valley)
1-2 T organic cane sugar
1 T vanilla

Combine all in large glass bowl (I love using my Pampered Chef batter bowl!) Blend with hand mixer until stiff peaks form.

I have found if I blend a little longer than I think I need, then it stays good for a couple days in the fridge without separating. This is also a great topping for my sis' gluten-free vegan pumpkin pie!

Quinoa Flake Breakfast (GF!)

It's official, I am in love with quinoa flakes! After making these cookies I knew they were going to become a staple in my kitchen. Quinoa flakes can also be made similar to oatmeal, so one morning when I was out of homemade yogurt I thought I'd give it a whirl. Feel free to switch out your favorite ingredients (nuts, or add dried fruit), although I must say, this combo is pretty delicious :)

Quinoa Flake Breakfast

1 serving quinoa flakes, cooked (My directions are boil 1 cup water, then add 1/3 cup flakes and boil for 90 seconds)
Place all these ingredients into bowl while flakes are cooking:
1-2 T coconut oil
1 T each flax, chia seeds, almonds

Once flakes are done cooking add to bowl and stir. The heat from the flakes will melt the coconut oil

Then add:
Drizzle of real maple syrup
splash of vanilla
dash of cinnamon

Stir and enjoy! This is very filling, and don't be afraid of the chia seeds, they add a nice crunch and a lot of nutrition!